In the rapidly growing amusement industry, there’s a concerning trend: some businesses are cutting corners by selling refurbished amusement equipment. While these products might seem like a bargain, they often come with significant safety risks. So, how can you protect yourself when buying amusement equipment?

First and foremost, stick with reputable manufacturers. It’s crucial to verify their credentials and, if possible, visit their production facilities to see if they match their claims. At Guangzhou CHAYBAY Amusements, we specialize in small electric rides such as trackless train and kids electric ride. Many of our clients gain confidence after seeing our operations up close.

For newcomers to the industry, research market prices before entering negotiations. Different materials can affect costs, so having a ballpark figure in mind is helpful. Beware of deals that promise top-quality materials at unusually low prices, as they may indicate refurbished equipment.

Refurbished equipment typically comes from smaller workshops with limited capabilities, making it difficult to fully restore them. During inspections, pay close attention to rust on screws and welding joints inside the equipment. Assess the overall wear and tear of the internal structure. Whenever possible, consider hiring a professional inspector from the amusement industry to assist with the evaluation.

By following these guidelines, you can make informed decisions when purchasing amusement equipment and minimize the potential safety risks associated with refurbished products.


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